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China's mold industry from the low-end horizontal tire off bone

Edit£ºAdmin   Browse£º   Date£º2017-07-07

Sophisticated production equipment is a prerequisite for great productivity, and it is easy to draw such conclusions in the two industrial revolutions. China's mold is in the low-end industries from high-end industries to the transition period, therefore, China's mold industry needs high-end mold production machine tools for support.

It is reported that the focus of global manufacturing is being transferred to China, it is China's mold industry to provide a strong driving force, but also on China's mold industry put forward a new development requirements --- to achieve high-end mold production. High-end mold to the technical level and added value is known, more and more attention by China's mold manufacturers, for the long-term development of enterprises, they are working to develop high-end mold production. At present, China's mold industry is carrying out a new round of industrial optimization and upgrading, high-end mold is one of its key development goals, China's high-end mold production is vigorous start. High-end mold production requires high-end die machine support.

China's mold industry from the low-end level off, is the external market for China's mold industry requirements, but also China's mold industry's development will, and China's mold industry from the low-end level to the high-end level, need to rely on production equipment Progress, the need for high-end mold machine tool industry development support.




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